nagare.admin package


nagare.admin.admin_app module

This is the admin application. By default, when launched, it’s mapped to url /admin and /.

The default view of this application is the administration view of the framework.

class nagare.admin.admin_app.Admin(apps)

Bases: object

The root component of the admin application

It loads all the components registered under the nagare.admin entry point and renders them into its view.

class nagare.admin.admin_app.WSGIApp(root_factory)

Bases: nagare.wsgi.WSGIApp

The admin application

Read the additional boolean parameter as_root into the [application] section. If True, mappes itself to the / url.


Create an admin object

  • the admin object
set_config(config_filename, conf, error)

Read the value of the as_root parameter and keeps the list of all the launched applications

  • config_filename – the path to the configuration file
  • config – the ConfigObj object, created from the configuration file
  • error – the function to call in case of configuration errors

Read the value of the as_root parameter and keeps a reference to the publisher

  • publisher – the publisher of the application
nagare.admin.admin_app.render(self, h, comp, *args)

Aggregates all the default views of the components

nagare.admin.command module

The nagare-admin executable

The run() function is called by the nagare-admin console script, created by setuptools

class nagare.admin.command.Command

Bases: object

The base class of all the commands

desc = ''

Return the description of the command

  • commands – parent commands of this command
  • A list with a single tuple (full name of the command, description of the command)
parse(argv, commands)

Parse the command line

  • argv – list of the arguments on the command line
  • commands – parent commands of this command
  • the Unix command status
classmethod run(parser, options, args)

Command code

  • parser – this optparse.OptionParser has parsed the command line
  • options – the options read on the command line
  • args – arguments left on the command line
  • the Unix command status
classmethod set_options(parser)

Define the available options for this command

  • parser – this optparse.OptionParser will parse the command line
class nagare.admin.command.Commands

Bases: dict

Command with sub-commands

add_command(names, command)

Define a sub-commands

  • names – list of names of the sub-command
  • command – the sub-command object

Return the description of the command

  • commands – parent commands of this command
  • A list of tuples (full name of the sub-command, description of the sub-command)
parse(argv, commands)

Parse the command line

  • argv – list of the arguments on the command line
  • commands – parent commands of this command
  • the Unix command status
usage(commands, error=None)

Print the usage of this command on stderr

  • commands – parent commands of this command
  • error - optional error message
  • no return, interpreter exit'nagare.commands')

Dispatcher for the nagare-admin commands

The commands are classes, registered under the entry_point_section entry point

nagare.admin.create module

The create administrative command

Generate the directory structure and the skeleton of an application.

class nagare.admin.create.Create

Bases: nagare.admin.command.Command

desc = 'Create an application skeleton'
static run(options, args)
static set_options()
nagare.admin.create.create_app_py(filename, params)
nagare.admin.create.create_conf(filename, params)
nagare.admin.create.create_or_update(path, create=None, update=None, *args, **kw)
nagare.admin.create.create_setup_py(filename, params), options, args)
nagare.admin.create.upgrade_setup_py(filename, params, setup_py=None)

nagare.admin.create_rules module

The create-rules administrative command

Generate the rewrite rules for the apache, lighttpd or nginx http servers, to let them serve the static contents of the launched applications, instead of the applications themselves.

class nagare.admin.create_rules.CreateRules

Bases: nagare.admin.command.Command

desc = 'Create the rewrite rules'
static run(options, args)
static set_options()

Register the possible options

They are:

  • -a or --apache to generate the apache rules (default)
  • -l or --lighttpd to generate the lighttpd rules
  • -n or --nginx to generate the nginx rules
  • optparser – the options parser
nagare.admin.create_rules.create_rules(app_names, error)

Generate the rewrite rules for the given registered applications

  • app_names – list of the applications, read from the command line
  • error – the function to call in case of configuration errors
  • list of tuples (application, directory of its static contents)
nagare.admin.create_rules.generate_apache_rules(app_names, error)

Generate the apache rewrite rules for the given registered applications

  • app_names – list of the applications, read from the command line
  • error – the function to call in case of configuration errors
  • yield the apache configuration file fragment
nagare.admin.create_rules.generate_lighttpd_rules(app_names, error)

Generate the lighttpd rewrite rules for the given registered applications

  • app_names – list of the applications, read from the command line
  • error – the function to call in case of configuration errors
  • yield the lighttpd configuration file fragment
nagare.admin.create_rules.generate_nginx_rules(app_names, error)

Generate the nginx rewrite rules for the given registered applications

  • app_names – list of the applications, read from the command line
  • error – the function to call in case of configuration errors
  • yield the nginx configuration file fragment, options, args)

Register the possible options

They are:

  • -a or --apache to generate the apache rules (default)
  • -l or --lighttpd to generate the lighttpd rules
  • -n or --nginx to generate the nginx rules
  • optparser – the options parser

nagare.admin.db module

The create-db and drop-db administrative commands

Create or delete the database tables of an application

class nagare.admin.db.DBCreate

Bases: nagare.admin.command.Command

desc = 'Create the database of an application'
static run(options, args)

Create the database tables of the application

If the --drop option is on, delete the existing tables before to re-create them

If the --no-populate option is off, call the populate function (if it exists) after the creation of the tables

  • parser – the optparse.OptParser object used to parse the configuration file
  • options – options in the command lines
  • args – arguments in the command lines : application name
static set_options()
class nagare.admin.db.DBDrop

Bases: nagare.admin.command.Command

desc = 'Drop the database of an application'
static run(options, args)

Delete the database tables of the application

  • parser – the optparse.OptParser object used to parse the configuration file
  • options – options in the command lines
  • args – arguments in the command lines : application name
static set_options()
nagare.admin.db.create(parser, options, args)

Create the database tables of the application

If the --drop option is on, delete the existing tables before to re-create them

If the --no-populate option is off, call the populate function (if it exists) after the creation of the tables

  • parser – the optparse.OptParser object used to parse the configuration file
  • options – options in the command lines
  • args – arguments in the command lines : application name
nagare.admin.db.drop(parser, options, args)

Delete the database tables of the application

  • parser – the optparse.OptParser object used to parse the configuration file
  • options – options in the command lines
  • args – arguments in the command lines : application name
nagare.admin.db.read_options(debug, args, error)

Activate all the database metadata objects of an application

Several metadata objects can be activated if there are sub-sections into the [database] section.

  • debug – flag to display the generated SQL statements
  • args – arguments in the command lines: application to activate
  • error – the function to call in case of configuration errors
  • tuples (metadata object, populate function) module

The info administrative command

Display informations about the framework environment


Bases: nagare.admin.command.Command

Display informations about the framework environment

desc = 'Display various informations'
static run(options, args)

Display the informations

  • parser – the optparse.OptParser object used to parse the configuration file
  • options – options in the command lines
  • args – arguments in the command lines

nagare.admin.reference module

Import an object from a string reference

The possible reference syntaxes are:

  • 'python <module>:<object>' – loads an object from a Python module (for example: 'python os.path:isfile')
  • '<module>:<object>' – same as 'python <module>:<object>'
  • 'file <file>:<object>' – loads an object from a file (for example: 'file /tmp/')
  • 'egg <dist>:<app>' – loads the registered application <app> from the <dist> distribution (for example: 'egg nagare:admin' or 'egg nagare.examples:wiki')
  • 'app <app>' – load the registered application <app> (for example: 'app examples')
nagare.admin.reference.load_app(app, _)

Load a registered application

  • app – name of the application
  • _unused*
  • (the application, the distribution of the application)
nagare.admin.reference.load_egg(dist, app)

Load a registered application of a distribution

  • dist – name of the distribution
  • app – name of the application
  • (the application, the distribution of the application)
nagare.admin.reference.load_entry_point(app, entry_point)

Load an object registered under an entry point

  • app – name of the object
  • entry_point – name of the entry_point
  • (the object, the distribution of the object)
nagare.admin.reference.load_file(filename, app)

Load an object from a file

  • filename – name of the file
  • app – name of the object to load
  • (the object, None)
nagare.admin.reference.load_module(module, app)

Load an object from a Python module

  • module – name of the module
  • app – name of the object to load
  • (the object, None)

Load an object from a reference

  • reference – reference as a string
  • a tuple (object loaded, distribution where this object is located or None)

nagare.admin.reloader module

Utiliy module that watches for files modification and exits the current process when this event happens.

This module is derivated from Ian Bicking’s one to only exit if there is no importation errors into the modified file.

class nagare.admin.reloader.Monitor(poll_interval, included_files, excluded_directories)

Bases: object

nagare.admin.reloader.install(poll_interval=1, included_files=(), excluded_directories=())

nagare.admin.serve module

The serve administrative command

Launch one or more applications.

class nagare.admin.serve.Serve

Bases: nagare.admin.command.Command

desc = 'Launch applications'
static run(options, args)

Launch one or more applications

  • parser – the optparse.OptParser object used to parse the configuration file
  • options – options in the command lines
  • args – arguments in the command lines

The arguments are a list of names of registered applications or paths to application configuration files.

static set_options()
nagare.admin.serve.create_wsgi_pipe(app, options, config_filename, config, error)

Wrap the application into one or more WSGI “middlewares” to create a WSGI pipe

  • app – the application
  • options – options in the command line
  • config_filename – the path to the configuration file
  • config – the ConfigObj object, created from the configuration file
  • error – the function to call in case of configuration errors
  • the wsgi pipe
nagare.admin.serve.get_file_from_package(package, path)

Return the path of a static content, from a setuptools package

  • package – the setuptools package of a registered application
  • path – the url path of the wanted static content
  • the path of the static content
nagare.admin.serve.get_file_from_root(root, path)

Return the path of a static content, from a filesystem root

  • root – the path of the root
  • path – the url path of the wanted static content
  • the path of the static content
nagare.admin.serve.read_publisher_options(parser, options)

Read the configuration file for the publisher

This configuration file is given with the -c``or ``--config option

  • parser – the optparse.OptParser object used to parse the configuration file
  • options – options in the command line
  • a ConfigObj with the publisher parameters, options, args)

Launch one or more applications

  • parser – the optparse.OptParser object used to parse the configuration file
  • options – options in the command lines
  • args – arguments in the command lines

The arguments are a list of names of registered applications or paths to application configuration files.


nagare.admin.serve_module module

The serve-module administrative command

Launch a standalone (without any database connection) application, in debug mode.

No configuration file in read. The only possible parameters are given on the command line and are (run nagare-admin serve-module to see them):

  • the host
  • the port
  • the web debug mode
  • the reload mode

Also no static contents can be served.


Use this command in development mode or to quickly test a piece code. Don’t run a production application with this command

class nagare.admin.serve_module.Serve

Bases: nagare.admin.command.Command

desc = 'Launch a python module'
static run(options, args)

launch an object

  • parser – the optparse.OptParser object used to parse the configuration file
  • options – options in the command lines
  • args – arguments in the command lines

The unique argument is the path of the object to launch. The path syntax is described into the module nagare.admin.reference. For example, /tmp/ is the path to the class Counter of the module

static set_options()
nagare.admin.serve_module.get_file_from_package(package, path)

Return the path of a static content, located into a setuptools package

  • package – the setuptools package of a registered application
  • path – the url path of the wanted static content
  • the path of the static content, options, args)

launch an object

  • parser – the optparse.OptParser object used to parse the configuration file
  • options – options in the command lines
  • args – arguments in the command lines

The unique argument is the path of the object to launch. The path syntax is described into the module nagare.admin.reference. For example, /tmp/ is the path to the class Counter of the module

nagare.admin.serve_module.set_options(optparser) module

The shell and batch administrative commands

The shell command launches an interactive Python shell. The batch command execute Python statements from a file.

In both cases:

  • the global variable apps is a dictionary of application name -> application object
  • the global variable session is the database session
  • the metadata of the applications are activated

Bases: nagare.admin.command.Command

desc = 'Execute Python statements from a file'
static run(options, args)

Execute Python statements a file

  • parser – the optparse.OptParser object used to parse the configuration file
  • options – options in the command lines
  • args – arguments in the command lines

The arguments are the name of a registered applications, or the path to an applications configuration file, followed by the paths of a file to execute

static set_options()
class, banner, app_names, ns)

Bases: object

A IPython < 0.11 interpreter

class, banner, app_names, ns)

Bases: object

A IPython >= 0.11 interpreter

class, banner, app_names, ns)

Bases: object

A IPython >= 5.0 interpreter

class, app_names, ns)

Bases: code.InteractiveConsole

A plain Python interpreter

class, app_names, ns)


A plain Python interpreter with a readline history


Bases: nagare.admin.command.Command

desc = 'Launch a shell'
static run(options, args)

Launch an interactive shell

  • parser – the optparse.OptParser object used to parse the configuration file
  • options – options in the command line
  • args – arguments in the command line

The arguments are a list of names of registered applications or paths to applications configuration files.

static set_options(), debug, error)

Initialize one application

  • cfgfile – path to an application configuration file or name of a registered application
  • debug – enable the display of the generated SQL statements
  • error – the function to call in case of configuration errors
  • database session
  • application name
  • application object, debug, error)

Initialize applications

  • cfgfile – paths to application configuration files or names of registered applications
  • debug – enable the display of the generated SQL statements
  • error – the function to call in case of configuration errors
  • database session
  • {application name -> application object}, options, args)

Execute Python statements a file

  • parser – the optparse.OptParser object used to parse the configuration file
  • options – options in the command lines
  • args – arguments in the command lines

The arguments are the name of a registered applications, or the path to an applications configuration file, followed by the paths of a file to execute, debug, error)

Return a namespace with the initialized applications

  • cfgfile – paths to application configuration files or names of registered applications
  • debug – enable the display of the generated SQL statements
  • error – the function to call in case of configuration errors
  • the namespace with the apps and session variables defined, banner, app_names, ns)

Shell factory

Create a shell according to the installed modules (readline and ipython)

  • ipython – does the user want a IPython shell?
  • banner – banner to display
  • app_names – names of the activated applications
  • ns – the namespace with the apps and session variables defined, options, args)

Launch an interactive shell

  • parser – the optparse.OptParser object used to parse the configuration file
  • options – options in the command line
  • args – arguments in the command line

The arguments are a list of names of registered applications or paths to applications configuration files.

nagare.admin.util module

Various tools used be the administrative commands

nagare.admin.util.activate_WSGIApp(app, cfgfile, aconf, error, project_name='', static_path=None, static_url=None, data_path=None, publisher=None, sessions_manager=None, debug=False)

Set all the properties of a WSGIApp application

  • app – the WSGIApp application or the application root object factory
  • cfgfile – the path to the configuration file
  • aconf – the ConfigObj object, created from the configuration file
  • error – the function to call in case of configuration errors
  • project_name – name of the distutils distribution where the app is located
  • static_path – the directory where the static contents of the application are located
  • static_url – the url of the static contents of the application
  • data_path – the directory where the data of the application are located
  • publisher – the publisher of the application
  • session_manager – the sessions manager
  • debug – flag to display the generated SQL statements
  • a tuple:
    • the wsgi.WSGIApp object
    • tuples (application databases settings, application databases populate functions)
nagare.admin.util.get_database(conf, debug)

Read the database settings

The location of the metadata object is read from the configuration file

  • conf – the ConfigObj object, created from the configuration file
  • debug – debug mode for the database engine
  • the tuple: - metadata object - database uri - database debug mode - database engines settings
nagare.admin.util.read_application(cfgfile, error)

Read the configuration file for the application and create the application object

  • cfgfile – name of a registered application or path to an application configuration file
  • error – the function to call in case of configuration errors
  • a tuple:
    • name of the application configuration file
    • the application object
    • the distribution of the application
    • a ConfigObj of the application parameters
nagare.admin.util.read_application_options(cfgfile, error, default={})

Read the configuration file for the application

  • cfgfile – path to an application configuration file
  • error – the function to call in case of configuration errors
  • default – optional default values
  • a ConfigObj of the application parameters

Module contents