Nagare Tutorial, learning concepts

A major feature of Nagare is its ability to easily reuse existing code.

Part 4. Re-use components

  1. An application with 2 counters:

    Rename the module to and create a new file with the following code:

    from nagare import component, presentation
    from counter import Counter
    class App(object):
        def __init__(self):
            self.counter1 = component.Component(Counter())
            self.counter2 = component.Component(Counter())
    def render(self, h, *args):
        h << self.counter1
        h <<
        h << self.counter2
        return h.root
    # factory
    app = App

    app is now a composite application with two independent Counter components, each with its own state.

    Don’t think about a Nagare application as a set of HTML pages reachable though URL. But instead model it as a tree of components which is modified then rendered when navigating.

  2. Multiviews

    Several views can be bound to a component. For example, here we add a new freezed named view to our Counter components:

    @presentation.render_for(Counter, model='freezed')
    def render(counter, h, *args):
        return h.h1(counter.val)

    Then, we can tell counter1 to use this freezed view as its default one:

    class App(object):
        def __init__(self):
            self.counter1 = component.Component(Counter(), model='freezed')
            self.counter2 = component.Component(Counter())

    The application now displays two counters with two different views

  3. Navigating

    Now, we would like to switch between views at runtime. To achieve that, we just need to replace the inner object of the counter1 component with the exact same object but with a different model:

    self.counter1.becomes(self.counter1, model='freezed')

    That can be done via a callback registered in the Counter default view:

    def render(counter, h, comp, *args):
        h << h.div('Value: ', counter.val)
        h << h.a('++').action(counter.increase)
        h << '|'
        h << h.a('--').action(counter.decrease)
        h <<
        h << h.a('freeze').action(comp.becomes, model='freezed')
        return h.root

    As you can see one of the optional arguments is comp, the component wrapping the counter object.

    In this example we used the becomes() method to only change the default view of a component. But becomes() can actually swap the whole inner object to a new one. This is in fact how navigating into an application is done in Nagare. For example this blog post shows how to navigate in a tabbed menu.

  4. Going async

    With Nagare, a component can be rendered synchronously (default) or asynchronously without any change to its code.

    First, note the statement we used to add a counter view to the DOM tree:

    h << self.counter1

    is in fact a shortcut for:

    h << self.counter1.render(h)

    Using this full method call, we can now create and pass an asynchronous renderer instead of h:

    from nagare.namespaces import xhtml
    h << self.counter1.render(xhtml.AsyncRenderer(h))

    This way counter1 is rendered asynchronously whereas counter2 is rendered synchronously. When you look at the generated html page you can see that for counter1 links are disabled (attribute href set to #) and some javascript is added (attribute `onclick added with a call to the nagare_getAndEval() javascript function).

That’s all folks, if you’d like to learn more, feel free to join us on the Nagare users group .