The application configuration file

Using the configuration file

The serve administrative command needs a proper configuration file to launch an application.

You can directly give the configuration file to the serve command, as:

<NAGARE_HOME>/bin/nagare-admin serve /path/to/the/config.cfg

Or, if the application was registered to the framework (as described in Entry points), then you can launch it with:

<NAGARE_HOME>/bin/nagare-admin serve <application>

In this case, the framework reads the configuration file named <application>.cfg in the directory <application>*/conf under <NAGARE_HOME>/lib/python2.7/site-packages.


If an application is launched in debug mode, changes in the configuration file is immediatly reflected. Else, you need to stop then re-launch the application.


For the boolean parameters, a value of true, yes, on or 1 means True and a value of false, no, off or 0 mean False.

You can use the $here variable which contains the path to the directory where the configuration file is located.

Comments, starting with the # character can be added to a configuration file.

[application] section

Name Mandatory Default value Description
path Yes No default value Reference to the root component factory of the application (see Object references)
name Yes No default value /name will be the URL of the application
static No static directory Filesystem path to the static contents of the application. By default, it’s the static directory under the application installation directory.
always_html No yes If this parameter is false, the framework will send XHTML to the browsers that accept XHTML, else HTML. If this parameter is true, HTML is always generated
debug No no Display the web debug page when an exception occurs. The nagare[debug] extra must be installed.

[database] section

Name Mandatory Default value Description
activated No off If not activated, the framework will not read the following parameters
uri Yes No default value URI or connection string to the database, as described in the SQLAlchemy engine configuration
metadata Yes No default value Reference to the SQLAlchemy metadata object (see Object references)
populate No No default value Reference to an optional function, called after the table creation to populate them with some initial data (see Object references)
debug No off Display the generated SQL requests

All other parameters, if present, are passed as keywords to the SQLALchemy create_engine() call (see

If an application needs to work with several database, several subsections can be embedded into the main [database] section:


[[database1]]      # The name of a subsection is irrelevant but must be unique
activated = on
uri = ...
metadata = ...

activated = on
uri = ...
metadata = ...